B2B/farm media circulation terms and definitions

A glossary of paid and nonpaid circulation terms.

Mailing AddressGeneral Circulation Terms

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Annual Frequency The number of times a magazine is published per year. AAM Reports  
Digital Edition
A publication delivered digitally that maintains the basic identity of the core print product by either having the same
name/logo or by referencing it as “an edition of ______.” However, the editorial and advertising content may be
different from the core print product. A publisher may substitute links to the publisher’s website provided it contains updated or expanded editorial content when compared to the print edition. For AAM reporting, a digital nonreplica edition is classified as a separate edition. The digital edition may not be a newsletter or unrestricted website.
AAM Reports and Media Intelligence Center D 10.3/
D 110.3/
E 10.3/
E 110.3
Digital Version
A publication delivered digitally that maintains the same name/logo, editorial content and advertising as the core print product. A publisher may substitute links to the publisher’s
website if it contains updated or expanded editorial content compared to the print edition. The digital version may not be a newsletter or unrestricted website.
AAM Reports and Media Intelligence Center D 10.3/
D 110.3/
E 10.3/
E 110.3
Field Served A general statement by the publisher describing the publication’s market(s) and/or occupations to whose interest
the publication’s editorial content is directed
AAM Reports

B 4.9/
B 104.9

Net of Considerations Net of considerations are the monies allocated towards the
publication after all other inducements have been applied.
AAM Reports  
Print The traditional hard copy version of the publication. AAM Reports and Media Intelligence Center  

Is when a subscriber receives both the print and digital editions of the publication. Subscribers who receive both print and digital editions are reported only once in the Total Unique Qualified count. The reporting of Print/Digital Unduplicated will be as follows:

  • Qualified Print Only + Qualified Print/Digital Unduplicated = Qualified Print
  • Qualified Digital Only + Qualified Print/Digital Unduplicated = Qualified Digital
  • Total Unique Qualified = Qualified Print Only + Qualified Digital Only + Qualified Print/Digital Unduplicated
AAM Reports and Media Intelligence Center  
Total Average
Qualified Paid
& Nonpaid

The total qualified paid and qualified nonpaid distribution.

Note: If a publication includes print/digital unduplicated circulation, all totals in AAM reports will represent aggregate unique recipients, not the sum of print and digital circulation.

AAM Reports and Media Intelligence Center  

Average Qualified Paid Circulation

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Qualified Paid
Membership Benefit
A subscription received as part of membership in an association, organization, society, club or publisher-branded membership program. The subscription dollar amount is either deductible or nondeductible from
association/membership dues. At least one cent, net of considerations, is allocated towards the publication. The value of the publication must be disclosed to the subscriber.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

D 2.3/
D 102.2/
E 2.6
E 102.3

Qualified Paid
A subscription that is ordered and paid for by an individual for at least one cent net of considerations. Individual
subscriptions include the following paid categories: Individual Paid, Premium Sales, Discounted Subscriptions,
Partnership Sales and Combination Sales
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 1.1/
D 101.1/
E 1.1/
E 101.1
Qualified Paid
Multicopy Same
The sale of two or more subscriptions or single issues to third parties where the copies are shipped in bulk to the
purchaser and redistributed for the purpose of promoting their business. In this situation, the publisher is not likely
to know the end recipient. At least one cent, net of considerations, is allocated towards the publication.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

D 2.1/
E 2.1
E 102.1

Qualified Paid
When a subscription or single copy of the publication is included with the sale of another product or service. The
consumer must be informed of the additional publication’s inclusion, its value and that the value is deductible/refundable from the package price if the publication is declined. At
least one cent, net of considerations, is allocated towards the publication. Partnership distribution is included in qualified individual paid with an explanatory in the notes section.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 2.8/
D 102.5/
E 2.8
Qualified Single-Copy Sales Paid single issues ordered and paid for by an individual for their own personal use and where the publication is the
primary purchase by the consumer. At least one cent, net of considerations, is allocated towards the publication.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 1.1/
D 101.1/
E 1.1
E 101.1
Qualified Paid
The sale of two or more subscriptions or single issues to third parties where the copies are individually addressed
and mailed, or shipped in bulk to the purchaser, but the publisher maintains documentation identifying the
designated recipients by name and/or title. In this situation, the publisher knows the name and/or title of the end
recipient. At least one cent, net of considerations, is allocated towards the publication.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 2.1/
E 2.1/
E 102.1

Average Qualified Nonpaid Circulation

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Qualified Nonpaid
Membership Benefit

Receipt of the publication by someone who is a member of an association, organization, society, club or publisher-branded membership program. No dues are allocated towards the publication. The publisher must be able to confirm the qualification of the recipient within the publication’s field

AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 2.3/
D 102.2/
E 2.6/
E 102.4
Qualified Nonpaid
When the recipient’s occupation falls within the publication’s field served and the copy of the publication is individually
addressed to the recipient. Sources of request reported under this category include: Direct Request from Recipient,
Direct Request from Recipient’s Company, List, Business Directories, and Communication Other than Direct Request. Also reported under this category are copies served to  individuals who receive the publication at their company and information is available to confirm the qualification of
the recipient. Copies may be sent in bulk for redistribution provided information is available to support individual names
and receipt of publication at the individual level.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

D 12.1,
D 12.2/
D 112.1/
D 112.2/
E 11.1/
E 111.1/
E 111.2

Qualified Nonpaid
Multicopy Same
Circulation delivered to designated addressees for redistribution to recipients unknown to the publisher. This category is only applicable to print distribution reporting. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.3/
D 112.3/
E 11.5/
E 111.3

Analyzed Nonpaid Circulation

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Allocated for
Shows &
Copies that are distributed at shows and conventions to be picked up by attendees. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.4/
D 112.4
Including Staff
Miscellaneous nonpaid distribution that does not qualify as qualified nonpaid distribution. Also included in this category: Advertiser Checking Copies and Staff Copies. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.4/
D 112.4

Regional and Demographic Editions

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Regional &

Editions in which advertising is sold by region or demographic. The average paid/qualified nonpaid distribution of these specific editions are reported
separately under the Regional and Demographic section of AAM reports.

• Regional/demographic totals are reported separately in the
Business/Occupational Analysis (BOA).
• Digital nonreplica editions are considered separate and are reported as such in the Regional and Demographic section.

AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

D 10.2/ D10.3/
D 110.2/
D 110.3/
E 10.2/
E 110.2/
E 110.3

Average Circulation By Issues

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Adds & Removes Additions and removals of qualified nonpaid distribution. Reporting of this data is optional. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 11.1/
D 111.1/
E 11.4
E 111.4
Issue by Issue The count of paid/qualified nonpaid distribution for each issue during the six-month period analyzed by the publisher’s
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

Business and Occupational (BOA) (Business Publications Only)

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Business &
This section details the paid and qualified nonpaid distribution of the analyzed issue by applicable business, industry, job titles, occupations or functions. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 5.2/
D 105.2

Demographic (Farm Publications Only)

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Demographic This section details the paid and qualified nonpaid distribution of the analyzed issue by applicable farm
industry demographics.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
E 5.4/
E 105.4

Source Analysis

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Nonpaid circulation served to individuals who were previously recipients of another publication that ceased
issuance. The recipients must be within the surviving publication’s field served and meet the definitions of a qualified recipient. Criteria for this classification:
• Publication ceasing issuance is homogeneous in content and field served.
• Recipient meets the definition of a qualified recipient.
• Recipient is notified that the surviving publication is provided as a replacement of the publication that ceased issuance.
• The list provided to the surviving publication must be dated and not older than 36 months.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.2/
D 112.2/
E 11.2/
E 111.2
Source Analysis The source of circulation of the analyzed issue and the age of that source for qualified nonpaid distribution. The age of
source should not be more than 36 months. Age of source reporting is not required for paid distribution. Distribution is analyzed by categories such as: Direct Request from Recipient, Direct Request from Recipient’s Company and
Communication Other Than Request.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 5.3/
D 105.3/
E 5.5/
E 105.5
Membership Benefit Nonpaid circulation served to members of an association as a free benefit. Criteria for this classification:
• Recipients are members of an association.
• Association is in the publication’s field served.
• Recipients are notified that the magazine is a benefit of membership.
• Enrollment or renewal of the memberships are dated and not older than 36 months.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 2.3/
D 102.2/
E 2.6/
E 102.4
Directories and
List Sources
Nonpaid circulation served to individuals whose names were selected from business directories or obtained from lists and added to the circulation file.
• Directory: A public listing, by class or alphabetically, of names, addresses, and other data.
• List: A customized list of individuals purchased or rented from a third party that is based on publisher requested criteria. Lists also include association rosters/directories. The age of the directories or lists must not exceed 36 months.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.2/
D 112.2/
E 11.2/
E 111.2
Other Than
Nonpaid circulation where the individual or company has written, online, via email or telecommunication activity with the publisher, but for which not all requirements for a direct request were
met. Common sources include:
• Request forms where the recipient did not sign the card or answer yes or no questions.
• Reader service cards where multiple products and services are offered or editorial survey forms where a question acknowledging a desire for the publication is not asked or answered.
• Requests made by someone other than the authorized recipient.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.2/
D 112.2/
E 11.2/
E 111.2
Direct Request
From Recipient
Nonpaid circulation from qualified individuals who, in writing, over the phone, online or via email, verified their qualification and desire to receive the publication. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.1/
D 112.1/
E 11.1/
E 111.1
Direct Request
from Recipient’s
Nonpaid circulation requested by a company’s management in writing, over the phone, online or via email for use by the company’s employees. The company’s management must verify the qualification of the recipient to receive the publication. This class of circulation also includes requests for assistants of more than one employee. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 12.1/
D 112.1/
E 11.1/
E 111.1
Other Sources

Other sources used to obtain recipients’ names are within the publication’s field served and meet the definition of a
qualified recipient. Examples include:
• Business letterhead
• Company personnel rosters
• Company annual reports
• Business cards

Criteria for this classification:
• Recipients are in the publication’s field served.
• Recipients meet the definition of a qualified recipient.
• Source is not older than 36 months.

  D 12.2/
D 112.2/
E 11.2
E 111.2

Mailing Address Analysis

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Mailing Address An optional section that reports how the copies in the analyzed issue were addressed. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 5.4/
D 105.4

Geographic Analysis

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Geographic Analysis Required reporting that breaks down circulation for the analyzed issue by state and/or province, demonstrating
the geographic distribution of the publication.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 5.1/
D 105.1/
E 5.1/
E 105.1


Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Price Data Subscriptions and/or single-copy prices are the prices at which the publication may be purchased by anyone, at any time, for a definite duration. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 1.2/
D 101.2/
E 1.2/
E 101.2

Optional Data

Term Definition Data Location AAM Rule Reference
Post Expiration
Copies of the publication served to individuals after a subscription has expired. These copies may be counted in paid circulation for a period of three consecutive months. This allowance includes subscriptions served internationally. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 1.1/
D 101.1/
E 1.1/
E 101.1
Premium Usage Indicates whether paid subscribers received an inducement to purchase a subscription. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center

D 8.2/
D 108.2/
E 8.2/
E 108.2

Renewal Analysis The percentage of subscriptions that were set to expire during the analyzed statement period and were renewed
by the subscriber.
AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 6.1/
D 106.1/
E 6.1/
E 106.1
Sales Channels The methods used to acquire new and renewal subscriptions sold during the statement period. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 10.1/
D 110.1/
E 10.1/
E 110.1
Term Data Lists the subscription term sold. AAM Reports and Media
Intelligence Center
D 1.2/
D 101.2/
E 1.2/
E 101.2