Acquired circulation

Business media sources for qualified nonpaid circulation

Circulation classified as “Acquired Circulation” represents nonpaid circulation served to individuals who were previously recipients of another homogeneous publication that ceased issuance. The recipients must be within the surviving publication’s field served and meet the definition of a qualified recipient.

In the optional Source Analysis, the publisher may disclose nonpaid circulation by source and age of request.

All circulation classified as Acquired Circulation is acceptable if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Publication ceasing issuance is homogeneous in content and field served.
  2. Recipients meet the definition of a qualified recipient.
  3. Recipient is notified that the surviving publication is provided as a replacement to the publication that ceased issuance.
  4. The list provided to the surviving publication must be dated and not older than 36 months.
  5. All records to support the above requirements are maintained for auditor review, upon request.