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Cross media terms and definitions

A glossary of terms used In AAM’s Cross Media Analyzer.

In addition to the Cross Media Analyzer, web, app, social media and e-newsletter data can also be found in publication’s Brand View profiles and Magazine Media 360°.

App Data

Term Definition
Unique Device The number of unique devices used to access digital content or advertising during a measurement period.
Page Impressions The combination of one or more files presented to a browser as a single document as the result of a single request received by the web server. One request by a browser should result in one reported page impression.
Download The number of times an application is downloaded from a server or host to a computer or device.
Visit A series of interactions with an app by a unique device or user without 30 minutes of inactivity.


Term Definition
Net Distribution

The number of e-newsletters for a given mailing that reached the subscriber’s email delivery server, calculated by subtracting undelivered messages from sent messages.

Open Rate %

The total number of opened e-newsletters divided by net distribution. This percentage may include e-newsletters that have been opened more than once or forwarded to other users.

Unique Open Rate % The number of unique individuals that opened an e-newsletter divided by net distribution.

Social Media

Term Definition
Activity The number of likes or followers of a publication’s social media channel during a given reporting period.


Term Definition
Page Impressions The combination of one or more files presented to a browser as a single document as the result of a single request received by the web server. One request by a browser should result in one reported page impression.
Unique Browser A measurement of unduplicated, cookied browsers that accessed the digital content of a site during the period reported. In the absence of a cookie, the combination of the IP address and user-agent string may be used to measure a unique browser. A unique browser does not represent a unique individual.
Unique Users

A measurement of unique individuals that have accessed the digital content of a site during the measurement period reported. Unique users can be identified by user registration, cookies, or through panel-based measurement services (e.g., comScore or Nielsen).

Visit A series of interactions with a site by a unique browser or user without 30 minutes of inactivity.
Time Spent The amount of time elapsed from the first measured interaction with a site to the last measured interaction with a site during a visit.
Average Time Spent Calculated by dividing time spent by the number of unique browsers/users/visits for the measurement period reported.