Frequency changes (upgrades)

News media paid promotional programs

Applicable Rule: C 5.4/C 105.4 Subscription Offer Based on Acceptance Unless Declined

Frequency Conversion (“Forced”) – Elimination of Frequency Ordered

When newspapers eliminate a frequency and, as a result, must change or upgrade subscribers to a new frequency (i.e., add Saturday delivery to Sunday-only customers.), all copies served for the new frequency are eligible as paid individual subscriptions if the following requirements are met:

  •  The new delivery scheduled is universally available for the public.
  •  The discontinued frequency is not reinstated within six months.
  •  No inference is made that the change is temporary.


Digital editions may be included as part of a frequency conversion provided registration and activation has been made.


Frequency Upgrade (“Opt-Out”) – Publisher’s Discretion

When publishers choose to upgrade a subscriber’s frequency, without eliminating the one ordered by the subscriber (i.e., add Saturday delivery to some current Sunday-only subscribers while continuing to sell Sunday-only subscriptions.), all copies served for the new frequency are eligible as paid individual subscriptions if the following requirements are met:

  • Effected subscribers are notified in writing prior to the change.
  • The notice must contain the effective date of the change, the new frequency, and instructions on how to opt-out of the upgraded service.
  • The opt-out instructions are clear and simple.
  • All days are presented as "included with the current paid subscription." If any days of the week are presented or implied as free, the copies served on those days are only eligible as qualified home delivery address specific.


Digital editions may not be included as part of a frequency (opt-out) conversion.