FAQs about AAM's postal audit solution.
What is a postal audit?
AAM conducts postal audits in accordance with the USPS standards for publications to qualify for or retain periodical class mailing permits.
Does my publication have to be a member of AAM to undergo a postal audit?
No. Some AAM members have regular postal audits in conjunction with the circulation audit. Membership to AAM or having a circulation audit is not required to conduct a postal audit.
How do I know if my publication qualifies for periodical mailing privileges?
The USPS eligibility standards state that a publication must fall under one of five qualification categories:
- General Publications
- Publications of Institutions and Societies
- Publications of State Departments of Agricultural
- Requester Publications
- Foreign Publications
Visit the USPS site for more information on USPS periodical requirements.
Is there a certain number of issues required for conducting a postal audit?
AAM can conduct a postal audit on just one issue as long as all necessary information is provided.
How can I prepare for a postal audit?
- Submit all the necessary paperwork to the USPS before beginning the audit with AAM to prevent any processing issues that may result in delays. This includes
- USPS Form 3500: Application for Periodicals Mailing Privileges (if qualifying for permits)
- USPS Form 3541: Statement of Mailing (if retaining permits)
- The top portion of USPS Form 3548: Review and Verification of Circulation.
- Provide your documentation to the primary post office where the publication is mailed (entry point).
- Remember that USPS rules differ from AAM rules; the audit is conducted in accordance with the USPS rules.
- Once the USPS has approved your application, provide all necessary documentation to AAM to begin the postal audit. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Your Periodical Pending ID provided by USPS
- USPS Form 3541: Statement of Mailing for the audited issue or USPS Form 3602: Postage Statement
- USPS Form 3526 or 3526R: Statement of Ownership
- Printer’s invoice for the audited issue
- Subscriber level data and proof of payment
- Paid and/or requester offers
- Once the postal audit is sent to the USPS, they will make the final decision on qualification. AAM will not know the status of this decision. Please allow the USPS sufficient processing time.
What happens when the postal audit is complete?
AAM provides a copy of the postal audit for you to sign. We also send a copy of the postal audit to the USPS on your behalf.
If you are interested in obtaining a postal audit, please contact Danielle O’Connell, VP, client development, at 212-271-0708.