Reporting web and social media metrics has never been easier. AAM’s automated digital assurance program streamlines the reporting and distribution of verified web and social media data. AAM automatically collects, validates, and reports web and social media data monthly to provide publishers and buyers with an accurate look at these digital metrics. This guide reviews the available metrics, where they are reported and simple steps to get started.
Reportable web and social media metrics
Page Impressions: A digital metric that counts how many times a web page element is displayed on a user’s screen. One request by a browser should result in one reported page impression.
Unique Browsers: A measurement of unduplicated, cookied browsers that accessed the digital content of a site during the period reported.
Visits: A series of interactions with a site by a unique browser or user without 30 minutes of inactivity.
Social Media:
Activity: The number of likes or followers of a brand’s social media channel during a given reporting period (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter/X, YouTube and TikTok).
Getting Started
Step 1: Fill out this form with the following information:
- Contact information (name, company, email, phone number)
- Website URL, app name or Other Identifier
- GA4 account name
- GA4 property ID
- Associated social media properties
Note: If you have multiple web properties, click 'Add Web Property' for each additional property.
Step 2: Grant Access to Your GA4 Account. Grant “viewer” access to your account(s).
Note: View these instructions if you need help granting viewer access or locating your GA4 account name or property ID.
Step 3: Review and Submit. Double check the information included in the form. When ready, click the ‘Submit’ button.
Note: Once submitted, AAM will filter and validate the web/social data. AAM will discuss any anomalies found and review how to resolve them.
Released web and social media data
Your web and social media metrics will be available in the following areas of AAM’s Media Intelligence Center:
Brand View Profiles (Updated the 5th of every month)
Six-Month Publisher's Statements
Cross-Media Analyzer
For questions or assistance, please contact AAM.