Verified public place

Qualifying verified circulation

Related rules: F 14.1/114.1

Verified public place circulation are copies designated by publishers for readership in public places such as:

  • Waiting rooms
  • Hotel rooms
  • For use by patrons of a business establishment at that location
  • Copies distributed on aircraft or to airline clubs

Requirements for Print Publications

Note: For qualifications of digital issues, please refer to your audit manager for guidance.

  • The copy served must be the current subscription issue being distributed.
  • Publishers or their vendors participating in public place programs must make an outreach to each business establishment at least once every 24 months and give them the opportunity to opt out of receiving publications.

Note: Publishers or their vendors that have been certified by AAM for their public place management systems are exempt from this requirement.

Example of acceptable public place opt-out notice:

Dear Public Place Location,

We hope you are enjoying the delivery of ABC magazine to your location for use by visiting patrons in your reception rooms.

This delivery is brought to you by a waiting room service provider (identified the service). If, for any reason, you do not want to receive ABC magazine, please call 1-800-xxx-xxxx to cancel your service.


Waiting Room Service Provider 
  • No more than three copies of each issue of any magazine may be served to a public place location. However, no limit is placed on the total number of unique magazines that may be served to each public place location.
  • Verified public place circulation is further classified into the following categories on AAM reports:
    • Medical/Dental
    • Personal Care (including beauty salons and barber shops)
    • Other Public Place (including hotels, airlines, restaurants and car dealerships)

Note: Publishers may optionally explain other public place circulation in the notes section of AAM reports.


Additional Requirements for Hotels and Airlines

In addition to the above general requirements, copies distributed to hotels and airlines must meet the following guidelines to qualify as other public place.

Hotel (In-Room Placement)

These copies are distributed to hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and other similar lodging facilities for in-room use by the guests of the lodging establishment. They are for in-room distribution only and are intended to remain in the room for use by future guests.

  • Publications of monthly or less frequency may provide the maximum of four copies per hotel room to each hotel location.
  • Publications of greater than monthly frequency may provide the maximum of one copy per hotel room to each hotel location.
  • The publisher or publisher’s agent must maintain a current contract with each hotel or responsible hotel corporate management. The contract must be signed by an individual or senior management at the hotel. The contract must be renewed a minimum of every 24 months. The contract should stipulate the following:
    • Name and address of the lodging establishment.
    • Confirmation of the hotel’s willingness to receive delivery of the magazines.
    • Confirmation the copies were distributed to the guest rooms for in-room use only.
    • Titles of the magazines.
    • Total number of subscriptions, per magazine, delivered.
    • Term of the subscriptions, per magazine, delivered (term of distribution).
    • Total number of guest rooms at the establishment.
    • The printed name, title, and signature of an executive at the lodging establishment.
    • Date the agreement was signed.

Airlines (For Aircraft or Airline Clubs)

These copies are provided to airlines for distribution on-board the planes or in restricted access airline clubs. They are for passenger use on the flight or in the clubs and are intended to remain in these locations for use by future passengers (not intended for pick up and removal by passengers).

  • The publisher or publisher’s agent must enter into a formal agreement with the airline for the term of distribution. The agreement must be updated at least every 24 months. The agreement must stipulate the following:
    • Name of the airline.
    • Confirmation of the airline’s willingness to receive delivery of the magazines.
    • Locations where copies are distributed and that the intent is for the copies to remain in these locations (not for pick up and removal by passengers).
    • Titles of the magazines and total quantity and term of subscriptions, per magazine, delivered.
    • A statement affirming the airline has not received any inducements to participate in the program.
    • The printed name, title, and signature of an executive at the airline.
    • Date agreement was signed.
  • Upon request the airline must be able to provide an affidavit attesting that all magazines supplied to the airline were distributed by the airline and made available to its customers on-board aircraft or in club lounges.

Verified Public Place AAM Reporting

Types of Verified Public Place Distribution Examples:   Verified Public Place AAM Reporting 
Public Place

Public Place -Bucketed into three subcategories:

  • Medical/Dental
  • Personal Care
  • Other Public Place (Additional disclosure can be made in the notes section of the report) 
 Public Place- Drs. Waiting Room   Public Place-Medical/Dental 
 Public Place- Hair Salon Reception Area   Public Place-Personal Care 
 Place Place-Restaurants   Public Place-Other Public Place 
 Public Place-Fitness Center   Public Place-Personal Care 
 Public Place- Car Dealership   Public Place-Other Public Place 
 Public Place- Hotels   Public Place-Other Public Place 
 Public Place- Airlines   Public Place-Other Public Place 


Publisher’s Statement Reporting Example:

Verified public place on AAM reports

Documentation for Audit

The records necessary for the AAM audit of verified public place circulation include, but are not limited to:

  • Proof that the copies were printed, may include print orders, print invoices, and proof of payments to the printer.
  • Proof that the magazine copies were mailed, either via the USPS or alternative delivery source such as FedEx, USPS, etc.
  • Copies of written agreements for all hotel and airline programs.
  • Locations must be presented the opportunity to opt-out of receiving magazines at least once every 24 months. A description of the opt-out process and supporting documentation (post card, phone script, email notification, etc.) should be retained and be made available if requested.

Note: If your public place opt-out and delivery system has been certified by AAM, the above audit documentation is not required.