Direct request from recipient

Business media sources for qualified nonpaid circulation

Definition and Reporting

Circulation classified as “Direct Request from Recipient,” represents nonpaid circulation from qualified individuals who, in writing, over the phone, online or via email, verified their qualification and desire to receive the publication.

As an option, the publisher may disclose nonpaid circulation by source and age of request in the Source Analysis. The publisher may also opt to include the method used to obtain the request.

Written (Including Internet and Email)

Written (including Internet and email) represents nonpaid circulation from qualified individuals who, in writing, online or via email, verified their qualification and desire to receive the publication.

Circulation classified as Direct Request from Recipient – Written (including Internet and email), must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Requests must be obtained in writing, online, email or other electronic means.
    • Recipients must provide name and address. See sample print request #1.
    • If name and address are prepopulated, the recipient must provide a signature or respond positively to a yes/no question to accept the subscription. See sample print requests #2 and #3.
    • If the request effort offers other additional products and services, the recipient must be asked, independently of those products and services, to select the publication as an item they wish to receive. See sample print request #4.
  2. Recipients must be in the publication’s field served and meet the definition of qualified recipient.
  3. Requests must be dated and no older than 36 months.
  4. All records to support the request must be maintained for auditor review.

PLEASE NOTE: A subscription with an address of a company name only (no specified individual) will be reported as a “Direct Request from Recipient’s Company,” not from the recipient.


Sample Print Request #1:
Response card is for sole purpose of requesting publication. Since recipient must provide name and address, nothing else is needed.

Mail back this card to receive your FREE subscription to Proto Journal!

Name _____________________________________

Street Address _____________________________________

City, State, ZIP _____________________________________

Phone # _____________________________________

Email (optional) _____________________________________

Date of Request _____________

Type of Business (check the most applicable):
___ Proto Manufacturer
___ Proto Retailer
___ Proto Wholesaler
___ Other (please specify: _____________________)


Sample Print Request #2:
Since the recipient’s name and address are pre-populated, the recipient is required to sign the request form.

A subscription to Proto Journal has been reserved just for you at no cost!

John Smith
XYZ Company, Inc.
123 Any Drive
Anytown, IL 60000

To take advantage of this special subscription offer, just sign, date and return this postage-paid card. Don’t wait!



To ensure you are qualified to receive this publication at no cost, please indicate your title and confirm your industry below:

Title: ______________________________

Type of Business (check the most applicable):
___ Proto Manufacturer
___ Proto Retailer
___ Proto Wholesaler
___ Other (please specify: _____________________)

Sample Print Request #3:

Since the recipient’s name and address are pre-populated, the recipient is required to sign the request form or answer a yes/no question. In this sample, both are offered. Since this is a renewal, the recipient must confirm his current name, title and address.

Renew your subscription to Proto Journal!

Your free subscription to Proto Journal is about to expire. Don’t let that happen! To continue receiving this publication at no cost, please respond today by completing and returning this postage-paid card.

____ Yes, I would like to continue receiving Proto Journal.
____ No, please stop delivery of Proto Journal.

John Smith
Manager of Manufacturing
XYZ Company, Inc.
123 Any Drive
Anytown, IL 60000


____ Check here if the above name, title, company and address are still current. If not, please make all necessary changes.



Sample Print Request #4:

Since the request form is offering multiple products and services, the recipient is asked to select the publication as an item they wish to receive. An affirmative response is required. The recipient must also complete or confirm his name and address information.

Proto Journal Welcomes You as a Manufacturing Professional!

As a professional in the manufacturing industry, you are entitled to receive valuable and insightful information from Proto World Publishing at no cost! Please check the items below that you wish to receive, for free!

____ Subscription to Proto Journal
____ Email notices of latest industry developments
____ Weekly Proto World newsletter
____ Daily Proto World e-newsletter

To ensure you qualify to receive the information you requested above free of charge, please complete the below section.

Name __________________________________

Street Address __________________________________

City, State, ZIP __________________________________

Email address __________________________________

Type of Business (check the most applicable):
__ Proto Manufacturer
__ Proto Retailer
__ Proto Wholesaler
__ Other (please specify: ____________________)

Title (check the most applicable):
__ Executive Management
__ Senior Management
__ Mid-level Management


Telecommunications represents nonpaid circulation from qualified individuals who, via inbound or outbound phone call, have verified their qualification and desire to receive the publication.

All circulation classified as Direct Request from Recipient –Telecommunications, is acceptable provided the following criteria are met:

  1. Requests are obtained via inbound or outbound phone call.
  2. Recipients must be in the publication’s field served and meet the definition of qualified recipient.
  3. Requests must be dated and no older than 36 months.
  4. The phone interview must:
    • Clearly ask if the recipient would like to receive the publication.
    • Be signed and dated by the interviewer (interview form).
  5. All records to support the request must be maintained for auditor review.

It is acceptable for a spouse, supervisor or authorized assistant to request the publication on behalf of the recipient. If this is the case, telemarketing materials must adhere to the requirements outlined above for telecommunications, and also include all of the following:

  • Identity of the individual making the request.
  • Relationship to the recipient (spouse) or job title (assistant or supervisor).
  • If an assistant, a question acknowledging their authorization to make this request on the recipient’s behalf. For example, “Do you provide administrative support for [recipient] that includes authorization to request subscriptions for this individual? Yes ___ No ___.”

Requests from other individuals (higher management, co-workers, etc.), for a recipient are not acceptable for Direct Request from Recipient, but may qualify either as Direct Request from Recipient’s Company  or Other Communications.

PLEASE NOTE: A subscription with an address of a company name only (no specified individual) will be reported as a “Direct Request from Recipient’s Company,” not from the recipient.